Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Getting ready for college

This month has been busy. Me and my class have been filling out applications and scholarships everyday. All while keeping up with our regular class assignments. Lately I haven't had any time to chill or hangout. I've been staying afterschool everyday to get help writing my essays for my scholarships. It's a lot of work but, people keep telling me that college is going to be even more work.


  1. brigado philip eu gostei dos eu comentario oq ue vc pretende fazer nos eu futuro

  2. Oi philip!

    my name is Andresa. Que bom que você pensa no seu futuro! Isso é muito bom para a carreira que você quer seguir!
    Boa sorte! Que você consiga entrar na faculdade!

    19 de abril de 2010 06:47
